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Public private partnership

Ответственные за вопросы МЧП в муниципальных образованиях области
Уполномоченные органы муниципальных образований Белгородской области в сфере ГЧП

Public-private partnership (PPP) is an association of tangible and intangible resources of the state and a private company on a long–term and mutually beneficial basis for the implementation of socially significant investment projects.

The parties to the PPP agreement:

A private partner is a Russian legal entity with which a PPP agreement has been concluded. 

A public partner is the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity.

A PPP must meet the following criteria:

  • long-term nature of the partnership (more than 3 years); 
  • distribution of risks and responsibilities between partners by involving a private partner not only in the creation of the facility, but also in its subsequent operation or maintenance; 
  • full or partial financing of the creation of a public infrastructure facility by a private partner.

The objects in respect of which it is possible to conclude PPP agreements, in accordance with Federal Law No. 224 FZ of July 13, 2015 are:
  • private highways or sections of private highways, bridges, protective road structures, artificial road structures, elements of their arrangement and road service facilities; 
  • airfields and related airport infrastructure, aircraft; facilities for the production, transmission and distribution of electric energy; solid municipal waste management facilities; 
  • objects of improvement of territories, including for their lighting;
  • lines and other linear objects of communication and communication, underwater and underground technical structures, crossings; hydraulic structures, stationary and floating platforms, artificial islands; healthcare facilities, sanatorium treatment; objects of education, culture, sports, tourism, social services; 
  • objects of production, primary or subsequent processing, storage of agricultural products;
  • hunting infrastructure facilities; 
  • property complexes intended for the production of industrial products and (or) the implementation of other activities in the field of industry;
  •  public transport (except metro); 
  • railway transport;
  • pipeline transport; sea and river ports, sea and river vessels; reclamation systems; information technology objects: programs for electronic computers, databases, information systems, websites in information and telecommunication networks; technical means for ensuring the functioning of information technology objects; 
  • data processing centers: a collection of buildings, parts of buildings or premises designed for automation using computer programs and databases.
Regulatory legal acts

Приказ Минэкономразвития России от 30 ноября 2015 года № 894 «Об утверждении Методики оценки эффективности проекта государственно-частного партнерства, проекта муниципально-частного партнерства и определения их сравнительного преимущества»
Постановление Правительства РФ от 04.12.2015 № 1322 «Об утверждении Правил проведения предварительного отбора участников конкурса на право заключения соглашения о государственно-частном партнерстве, соглашения о муниципально-частном партнерстве
Постановление Правительства РФ от 30.12.2015 № 1514 «О порядке проведения уполномоченным органом оценки эффективности проекта ГЧП, проекта муниципально-частного партнерства и определения их сравнительного преимущества (28.12.18)
Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 30 декабря 2015 года № 1490 «Об осуществлении публичным партнером контроля за исполнением соглашения о государственно-частном партнерстве и соглашения о муниципально-частном партнерстве»
Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 19 декабря 2015 года № 1388 «Об утверждении Правил рассмотрения публичным партнером предложения о реализации проекта государственно-частного партнерства или проекта муниципально-частного партнерства»
Постановление Правительства РФ от 19.12.2015 № 1387 «О порядке направления публичному партнеру заявления о намерении участвовать в конкурсе на право заключения соглашения о государственно-частном партнерстве, соглашения о муниц
Постановление Правительства РФ от 19.12.2015 № 1386 «Об утверждении формы предложения о реализации проекта государственно-частного партнерства или проекта муниципально-частного партнерства, а также требований к сведениям...»
Постановление Правительства РФ от 12.12.2015 № 1366 «Об утверждении перечня отдельных прав и обязанностей публичного партнера, которые могут осуществляться уполномоченными им органами и (или) юридическими лицами в соответствии ...»
Постановление Правительства РФ от 03.12.2015 № 1309 «Об утверждении Правил проведения уполномоченным органом переговоров, связанных с рассмотрением предложения о реализации проекта государственно-частного партнерства, проекта муниципально-частного ...»
Федеральный закон от 13.07.2015 № 224-ФЗ (ред. от 30.12.2021) «О государственно-частном партнерстве, муниципально-частном партнерстве в Российской Федерации и внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации»
Рекомендации по реализации проектов государственно-частного партнерства
Распоряжение Правительства Российской Федерации от 30 марта 2017 г. N 585-р «План мероприятий по стимулированию привлечения частных инвестиций в развитие санаторно-курортного комплекса Российской Федерации»
Приказ Минэкономразвития России от 02.02.2021 № 40 «Об утверждении Порядка мониторинга реализации соглашений о государственно-частном партнерстве, соглашений о муниципально-частном партнерстве»
Приказ Минэкономразвития России от 20 ноября 2015 года № 863 «Об утверждении Порядка проведения переговоров, связанных с рассмотрением предложения о реализации проекта государственно-частного партнерства, проекта муниципально-частного партнерства...»
Постановление Правительства РФ от 29.12.2017 № 1686 «Об утверждении критериев отнесения объектов производства, первичной и (или) последующей (промышленной) переработки, хранения сельскохозяйственной продукции к объектам концессионного соглашения.

Приказ о создании межведомственной рабочей группы по вопросам развития ГЧП
Распоряжение Правительства Белгородской обл. от 01.02.2016 № 35-рп (ред. от 01.07.2019) "Об утверждении Правил ведения реестра проектов с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства"
Постановление Правительства Белгородской обл. от 17.07.2017 № 273-пп (ред. от 25.10.2021) «Об утверждении Порядка межведомственного взаимодействия органов исполнительной власти Белгородской области при подготовке и реализации проектов ГЧП»
Постановление правительства Белгородской области от 29.12.2015 г. № 493-пп «Об определении уполномоченных органов исполнительной власти Белгородской области в сфере государственно-частного партнерства»
Постановление Правительства Белгородской области от 28 января 2019 года № 26-пп "Об утверждении правил принятия решения о заключении соглашений о государственно-частном партнерстве и концессионных соглашений на срок, превышающий срок действия утвержден.»
Приказ департамента экономического развития Белгородской области от 19.07.2019 года №725-пр «Об утверждении методики формирования Рейтинга развития сферы ГЧП»
Приказ департамента экономического развития Белгородской области от 18 июня 2021 года № 1045-пр «Об утверждении Плана по развитию государственно-частного партнерства»

Сoncession agreement

Concession is one of the forms of public-private partnership regulated by the Law of 2005 "On Concession Agreements".

The parties to the Concession Agreement:

A concessionaire is one of the parties to a concession agreement (an individual or a legal entity) who has the necessary experience in managing large projects, a developed technological base, financial resources and a reputation as a reliable borrower.

The concendant is the State that granted the concession, on whose behalf and on whose behalf a certain department or state company acts.

The concessionaire undertakes, at its own expense, to create and (or) reconstruct the property defined by this agreement (immovable property or immovable property and movable property technologically interconnected and intended for carrying out activities provided for in the concession agreement) (hereinafter referred to as the object of the concession agreement), the ownership of which belongs or will belong to the other party (the concessionaire), to carry out activities using (operating) the object of the concession agreement, and the concessionaire undertakes to grant the concessionaire, for the period established by this agreement, the rights of ownership and use of the object of the concession agreement to carry out the specified activity.

Objects of the concession agreement:

  • highways or sections of highways, protective road structures, artificial road structures, production facilities, that is, objects used in the overhaul, repair, maintenance of highways, elements of the arrangement of highways; 
  • railway transport facilities; pipeline transport facilities; 
  • sea and river vessels, sea and river ports, including artificial land plots, hydraulic structures of ports, objects of their production and engineering infrastructure; 
  • airfields or buildings and (or) structures intended for take-off, landing, taxiing and parking of aircraft, as well as those created and intended for the organization of flights of civil and state aircraft aviation infrastructure and facilities for air traffic, navigation, landing and communications; 
  • objects of industrial and engineering infrastructure of airports; 
  • hydraulic structures; 
  • facilities for the production, transmission and distribution of electric and thermal energy;
  • heat supply facilities, centralized systems of hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) sanitation, individual objects of such systems; gas supply facilities; 
  • objects of communal infrastructure or communal facilities, including energy supply facilities, objects intended for lighting the territories of urban and rural settlements, objects intended for landscaping; 
  • facilities where processing, accumulation, disposal, neutralization, placement of municipal solid waste are carried out; 
  • metro and other public transport; healthcare facilities, including facilities intended for spa treatment; 
  • objects of education, culture, sports, objects used for organizing recreation of citizens and tourism, other objects of social and cultural purpose;
  • social service facilities for citizens; buildings, structures and structures intended for storage, storage and repair of property of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, objects of industrial and engineering infrastructure of such buildings, structures and structures; 
  • objects of production, primary and (or) subsequent (industrial) processing, storage of agricultural products included in the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the development of agriculture and determined according to the criteria.

Regulatory legal acts in the field of CS:

Приказ Минэкономразвития России от 30 ноября 2015 года № 894 «Об утверждении Методики оценки эффективности проекта государственно-частного партнерства, проекта муниципально-частного партнерства и определения их сравнительного преимущества»

Постановление Правительства РФ от 04.12.2015 № 1322 «Об утверждении Правил проведения предварительного отбора участников конкурса на право заключения соглашения о государственно-частном партнерстве, соглашения о муниципально-частном партнерстве

Постановление Правительства РФ от 30.12.2015 № 1514 «О порядке проведения уполномоченным органом оценки эффективности проекта ГЧП, проекта муниципально-частного партнерства и определения их сравнительного преимущества (28.12.18)

Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 30 декабря 2015 года № 1490 «Об осуществлении публичным партнером контроля за исполнением соглашения о государственно-частном партнерстве и соглашения о муниципально-частном партнерстве»

Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 19 декабря 2015 года № 1388 «Об утверждении Правил рассмотрения публичным партнером предложения о реализации проекта государственно-частного партнерства или проекта муниципально-частного партнерства»

Постановление Правительства РФ от 19.12.2015 № 1387 «О порядке направления публичному партнеру заявления о намерении участвовать в конкурсе на право заключения соглашения о государственно-частном партнерстве, соглашения о муниц

Постановление Правительства РФ от 19.12.2015 № 1386 «Об утверждении формы предложения о реализации проекта государственно-частного партнерства или проекта муниципально-частного партнерства, а также требований к сведениям...»

Постановление Правительства РФ от 12.12.2015 № 1366 «Об утверждении перечня отдельных прав и обязанностей публичного партнера, которые могут осуществляться уполномоченными им органами и (или) юридическими лицами в соответствии ...»

Постановление Правительства РФ от 03.12.2015 № 1309 «Об утверждении Правил проведения уполномоченным органом переговоров, связанных с рассмотрением предложения о реализации проекта государственно-частного партнерства, проекта муниципально-частного ...»

Федеральный закон от 13.07.2015 № 224-ФЗ (ред. от 30.12.2021) «О государственно-частном партнерстве, муниципально-частном партнерстве в Российской Федерации и внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации»

Рекомендации по реализации проектов государственно-частного партнерства

Распоряжение Правительства Российской Федерации от 30 марта 2017 г. N 585-р «План мероприятий по стимулированию привлечения частных инвестиций в развитие санаторно-курортного комплекса Российской Федерации»

Приказ Минэкономразвития России от 02.02.2021 № 40 «Об утверждении Порядка мониторинга реализации соглашений о государственно-частном партнерстве, соглашений о муниципально-частном партнерстве»

Приказ Минэкономразвития России от 20 ноября 2015 года № 863 «Об утверждении Порядка проведения переговоров, связанных с рассмотрением предложения о реализации проекта государственно-частного партнерства, проекта муниципально-частного партнерства...»

Постановление Правительства РФ от 29.12.2017 № 1686 «Об утверждении критериев отнесения объектов производства, первичной и (или) последующей (промышленной) переработки, хранения сельскохозяйственной продукции к объектам концессионного соглашения.

Постановление Губернатора Белгородской области от 18.12.2017 г. № 141 «О создании межведомственной рабочей группы по привлечению частных инвестиций в сферу жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Белгородской области посредством заключения КС»
Приказ департамента жилищно-коммунального хозяйства от 21.01.2019 года № 9 «О мерах по реализации отдельных положений Федерального закона от 21.07.2005 г. № 115-ФЗ»
Постановление Правительства Белгородской области от 28 января 2019 года № 26-пп "Об утверждении правил принятия решения о заключении соглашений о государственно-частном партнерстве и концессионных соглашений на срок, превышающий срок действия ...»
Распоряжение Правительства Белгородской области от 16.12.2019 № 672-рп "Об утверждении порядка формирования и утверждения перечня объектов, в отношении которых планируется заключение концессионных соглашений, концедентом по которым выступает Бел.обл."

Projects implemented and planned for implementation using PPP and CS mechanisms

Реестр проектов с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 января 2022 года.

Реестр проектов с использованием механизмов государственно-частного  и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 июля 2021 года.

Реестр проектов с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 января 2021 года

Реестр проектов с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 июля 2020 года

Реестр проектов планирующихся к реализации и реализуемых с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 января 2020 года

Реестр проектов планирующихся к реализации и реализуемых с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 июля 2019 года

Реестр проектов планирующихся к реализации и реализуемых с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 января 2019 года.

Реестр проектов с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 июля 2018 года

Реестр проектов с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 января 2018 года

Реестр ГЧП и МЧП на 1 июля 2017 года

Реестр проектов, реализуемых и/или планируемых к реализации с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 января 2017 года

Реестр проектов, реализуемых и/или планируемых к реализации с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 июля 2016 года

Реестр проектов, реализуемых и/или планируемых к реализации с использованием механизмов государственно-частного и муниципально-частного партнерства на территории Белгородской области на 1 января 2016 года

Collection of best practices

Name of the project: "Construction of a multifunctional sports arena for 10,000 seats in the city of Belgorod" Location: Belgorod region, Belgorod

Sales sector: sports and tourism

Implementation date: 2019-2021

Implementation form: Agreement on social and economic cooperation between the Government of the Belgorod Region and Management Company Metalloinvest LLC

Public partner: Regional Department of Construction and Transport

Private partner: Management Company Metalloinvest LLC

Investment amount: 4182.2 million rubles

Effect of creation: "Belgorod-Arena" is a multifunctional sports arena designed for holding international competitions in volleyball, basketball, handball, mini-football, tennis and other sports, as well as for holding exhibitions, conferences, presentations, cultural and entertainment events.

The round-shaped sports arena building has five floors with a total area of ​​32,785.26 m². On four floors there are circular foyers for spectators with wardrobes, bathrooms and buffets. An exhibition hall, a universal training and gym, administrative, working and technical premises, a sports museum, as well as stands for spectators (with seats for people with limited mobility), the maximum capacity of which will be 10,105 people, have been equipped.

The arena has a playing area of ​​40×25 m, including a playing field and a free area around. Each hall has at least two warm-up areas measuring 24x15x7 m. There are rooms for doping control and rooms for first aid and examination of judges. The construction of the arena makes it possible to increase the availability of physical culture and sports for residents and guests of Belgorod, creates conditions for the preparation of a sports reserve for various sports, provides an opportunity for a large number of fans to attend sports shows and events, and hold major sports competitions.


Белгород Арена.jpg

Project name: "Organization of sorting and disposal of solid household waste in the Belgorod region"

Location: Belgorod region, Gubkin city district

Implementation industry: municipal infrastructure

Implementation date: 2014-2020

Form of implementation: Agreement on the implementation of the investment project "Organization of sorting and disposal of solid household waste in the Belgorod region"

Public partner: Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Belgorod region

Private partner: LLC "Flagship"

Investment amount: 1615.4 million rubles

The effect of the creation: Within the framework of the project, an automated waste sorting complex (hereinafter – AMSK) and a landfill for solid municipal waste disposal (hereinafter MSW) were built in order to provide MSW disposal services to residents of Gubkin and Starooskolsky urban districts.

The total area of the landfill is 23.61 hectares, the design capacity is 3.7 million tons, the service life is 25 years. The principal differences between this facility and those previously put into operation are the presence of a geomembrane under the landfill maps, which excludes the entry of pollutants into groundwater, as well as a drainage system for collecting leachate released from waste and its purification station.

In October 2019, Flagship LLC commissioned an automated waste sorting complex in the Gubkin City District with a capacity of 150 thousand tons of MSW per year. The construction of a polymer processing workshop has also been completed, within the framework of which it is planned to process low- and high-pressure polyethylene into granules, as well as the processing of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into the so-called flex (crushed plastic).


Project name: "Rural Country Park "Russian Village"

Location: Belgorod region, Belgorod region

Industry of implementation: culture and recreation

Implementation date: 2015-2040

Form of implementation: Lease agreement with investment obligations

Public partner: Municipal entity Municipal district "Belgorod district" of the Belgorod region

Private partner: LLC "BELAYA GUBERNIYA"

Investment amount: 38.26 million rubles

The effect of the creation: Favorable organizational and economic conditions for doing business and the mechanism for supporting investment projects operating on the territory of the Belgorod region made it possible to ensure the successful implementation of the project "Creation of the rural park "Russian Village". The main goal of the project was to "create a territory for organized mass recreation, with the possibility of a one-time long stay of at least 400 people from among the residents and guests of the Belgorod region."

Within the framework of the project, a restaurant "Samovar" was built, a beach area, a children's fishing area, 25 wooden fishing piers for fishermen were equipped, at least 25 new jobs were created. In addition to trophy fishing and a summer beach, the rural park "Russian Village" offers various options for gazebos - from standard small to VIP houses. The possibility of cooking, barbecue, kebabs, access to the clean water of the Shagarovsky pond. To date, the current recreational area is able to accommodate over 500 people at a time.

The tourist zone "Russian Village" is a beautiful nature, crystal clear Shagarovsky pond and a real pleasure for a fisherman. The comfort of outdoor recreation and inspiration from spending time outside the city is a great opportunity for residents and guests of the Belgorod region to relax in the fresh air.

More detailed


Project name: "Concession agreement concerning centralized water disposal systems located on the territory of the urban settlement "Settlement of Rovenki" of the municipal district "Rovensky district" of the Belgorod region, owned by the administration of the urban settlement "Settlement of Rovenki" of the municipal district "Rovensky district" of the Belgorod region"

Location: Belgorod region, p. Rovenki

Implementation industry: municipal infrastructure

Implementation date: 2018-2038

Form of implementation: Concession agreement

Public partner: Administrations of the urban settlement "Settlement of Rovenki"

Private partner: LLC "Ecological systems"

Investment amount: 84.6 million rubles

The effect of the creation: As a result of the implementation of the project, the reconstruction and modernization of wastewater disposal facilities were carried out.Rovenki - local sewage treatment plants, drainage networks, pumping stations and auxiliary structures. New equipment necessary to increase the capacity and uninterrupted operation of wastewater disposal facilities and trouble-free operation has been purchased. The installation of new KNS No. 1, KNS No." was carried out. The problem of updating outdated equipment has been solved, costs have been optimized, and costs have been reduced.


Project name: "Creation of an oncoradiological complex on the basis of the Belgorod Oncological Dispensary

Location: Belgorod region, Belgorod

Implementation industry: healthcare

Implementation date: 2015-2027

Form of implementation: Agreement on cooperation in the construction of the Positron Emission Tomography Center in the Belgorod region between the Department of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Belgorod region and the limited liability company "PET-TECHNOLOGY"

Public partner: Department of Health and Social Protection of the population of the region

Private partner: PET-TECHNOLOGY LLC

Investment amount: 355 million rubles

The effect of the creation: A new type of medical facility - the Center for Nuclear Medicine - is located on the territory of the Belgorod Oncological Dispensary and fills the previously existing gap in the possibilities of diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of cancer treatment.

The center employs thirteen people, including two doctors and qualified secondary and junior medical staff. There is a system of patronage of the center by federal experts, which allows us to ensure high quality of patient care and diagnostic results. There is such a type of medical service as radiation therapy; positron emission and X-ray computed tomography (PET/CT).

As a result of the project, it was possible to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care, both to residents of the Belgorod region and to nonresident citizens through early detection and introduction of modern methods of treatment for malignant neoplasms.

Medical services are provided at the expense of the Territorial Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Belgorod region by participating in the implementation of the Program of state guarantees of the Belgorod region.

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Project name: "Creation of a healthcare project (polyclinic)"

Location: Belgorod region, Belgorod

Implementation industry: healthcare

Implementation Date: 2017-2022

Form of implementation: Cooperation Agreement

Public partner: Department of Health and Social Protection of the population of the region

Private partner: Medical Investment Group LLC

Investment amount: 50 million rubles

The effect of the creation: Polymedica is a new format of polyclinics providing services in the system of compulsory medical insurance. As a result of the project, a successfully functioning medical center (polyclinic) was created to provide primary health care to adults and children of the Belgorod region in the territory of the city of Belgorod.

The polyclinic has a district service, a children's department, a women's consultation and a day hospital. Specialized medical care and telemedicine are provided. Instrumental and laboratory studies are carried out. Medical care is provided in accordance with the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens, including outpatient and at home according to the territorial-precinct principle of medical care for citizens. Services are provided at the expense of the Territorial Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Belgorod region by participating in the implementation of the Program of state guarantees of the Belgorod region.

The number of the serviced population is 23012 people of the adult population and 4635 people of the child population.

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Project name: "Development of the Volokonovsky Industrial Park"

Location: Belgorod region, Volokonovsky district, village. Volokonovka,

Implementation industry: industry

Implementation date: 2015-2020

Form of implementation: Agreement between the Department of Economic Development of the Belgorod Region, the administration of the Volokonovsky district of the Belgorod Region and the Limited Liability Company "Volokonovsky Industrial Park" on the development of the Volokonovsky Industrial Park

Public partner: Administration of the Volokonovsky district of the Belgorod region

Private partner: LLC "Volokonovsky Industrial Park"

Investment amount: 727 million rubles

The effect of the creation: The goal of the project is to attract Russian and foreign manufacturers specializing in the field of modern lighting technologies, the radio-electronic industry, the production of plastic products and metalworking to the unoccupied production areas. All the necessary conditions for the placement of production and logistics structures have been created on the territory of the "Volokonovsky Industrial Park". To date, the industrial park "Volokonovsky" houses 9 residents, where 252 people work.

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Project name: Desugarization of molasses: extraction of sugar and betaine from molasses by chromatographic separation

Location: Belgorod region, Chernyansky settlement

Branch of implementation: agricultural

Implementation date: 2019-2026

Form of implementation: Special investment contract of the Belgorod region

Public Partner: Department of Economic Development of the Belgorod Region

Private partner: RUSAGRO - BELGOROD LLC

Investment amount: 5,735. 78 million rubles

The effect of the creation: The molasses desugarization line has been launched at the Chernyansky Sugar Factory, which is part of the Rusagro Group of Companies. A molasses desaccharification station and a bulk sugar storage warehouse were built. This is the largest molasses desugarization production in Russia using ARI technology (USA), the second desugarization line at Rusagro and the third in the country. Its capacity is at least 74 thousand tons of sugar per year.

This technology consists of stages: preparation of molasses through softening and filtration of molasses, chromatography of molasses, concentration of products through evaporation and storage. Chromatography is the physical separation of molasses components on ion exchange resins due to their different sizes and charges. Chromatographic columns filled with ion exchange resin are used to implement the process. The separation takes place in a fully automatic mode. In the process of desugarization, sugar syrup is obtained, which is sent to the plant for processing by analogy with the processing of raw sugar for sugar production, betaine for sale using patent technology and raffinate - desugared molasses, which is a waste product, which is planned to be used as fertilizer or for sale.

The company has created 58 new jobs, tax revenues to the consolidated budget of the region are expected to amount to about 180 million rubles per year.


Project name: "Development of the gas engine fuel market in the Belgorod region":

- Construction of an automobile gas-filling compressor station (Alekseevsky city district);

- Construction of a network of CNG stations on the territory of the city district "City of Belgorod";

- Construction of CNG stations on the territory of Valuysky city district;

- Construction of CNG-1 on the territory of the Veidelevsky district;

- Construction of an automobile gas-filling compressor station on the territory of the urban settlement "Settlement of Volokonovka" of the municipal district "Volokonovsky district" of the Belgorod region";

- Construction of a network of CNG stations on the territory of the Gubkin city district of the Belgorod region;

- Construction of CNG stations on the territory of the Krasnogvardeysky district of the Belgorod region;

- Construction of a network of CNG stations on the territory of the Novooskolsky city district;

- Construction of an automobile gas filling compressor station CNG on the territory of the Starooskolsky city district;

- Construction of a network of CNG stations on the territory of the Chernyansky district of the Belgorod region

Location: Belgorod region

Implementation industry: road infrastructure

Implementation date: 2019-2029

Form of implementation: Lease agreements with investment obligations

Public Partner:

- Administration of the Alekseevsky city district;

- Administration of the city district "City of Belgorod";

- Administration of Valuysky city district;

- Administration of the Veidelevsky district;

- Administration of the Volokonovsky district;

- Administration of Gubkin city district;

- Administration of Krasnogvardeysky district;

- Administration of the Novooskolsky city district;

- Administration of the Starooskolsky city district;

- Administration of the Chernyansky district.

Private partner: Gazprom Gazomotornoe Fuel LLC

Investment amount: 150.6 million rubles each gas station

The effect of the creation: The network of gas filling stations was built as part of the pilot project "Development of the gas engine fuel market in the Belgorod region", which includes the creation of gas filling infrastructure, increasing the fleet of vehicles powered by natural gas (methane), measures to popularize the use of natural gas (methane) as motor fuel.

As part of the implementation of the action plan in 2019-2020, 32 new facilities for refueling vehicles with natural gas (methane) were put into operation in the Belgorod Region, a network of 39 CNG stations was formed on the territory of 18 urban districts and municipal districts, which allowed the Belgorod Region to become a leader among Russian regions in terms of gas refueling infrastructure facilities, having the most a wide regional network of CNG stations. In 2019-2020, the volume of natural gas sales at the Belgorod region CNG stations increased 1.5 times.

In April 2019, the order of the Regional Government approved the schedule for the transfer of regional and municipal transport to methane, according to which it is planned to transfer up to 70% of all state transport to gas motor fuel. Currently, a network of 15 certified service centers for the conversion of vehicles to methane has been formed in the region, which will fulfill the plans outlined in the roadmap.

To stimulate the process of conversion of transport to methane, since April 2020, the Department of Economic Development of the Belgorod Region has been providing subsidies for the conversion of transport to methane (in the amount of up to 2/3 of the cost of conversion). Subsidies from the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation are provided to service centers to compensate for lost income to provide transport owners with discounts on re-equipment.

During 2019, a system of state support for gas engine fuel market participants in the Belgorod Region was formed - laws of the Belgorod Region on the provision of tax benefits were adopted:

- a 50% reduced rate for the payment of transport tax for owners of vehicles registered in accordance with the established procedure, equipped for the use of natural gas as motor fuel;

- preferential property tax rate for organizations implementing investment projects for the construction of automobile gas-filling compressor stations and cryogenic automobile filling stations of liquefied natural gas, as well as for the modernization of automobile filling stations in terms of retrofitting them with modules for refueling vehicles with compressed natural gas (in the first year -0.5%; in the second year -1%; in the third year -1.5%).

At the municipal level, the land tax rate has also been reduced by 50% for legal entities - owners of CNG stations and multi-gas stations; when announcing competitive procedures for the provision of passenger transport services, priority is given to gas-powered vehicles.


Project name: "Creation of a medical center specializing in the provision of high-tech medical care in the field of cardiovascular surgery"

Location: Belgorod region, Stary Oskol

Implementation industry: healthcare

Implementation date: 2016-2046

Form of implementation: Agreement on municipal-private partnership in the form of joint property participation in the creation of a medical center specializing in the provision of high-tech medical care in the field of cardiovascular surgery on the territory of the Starooskolsky city district

Public partner: Administration of the Starooskolsky city District of the Belgorod region

Private partner: LLC "HEART CLINIC"

Investment amount: 201.9 million rubles

The effect of the creation: The Heart Clinic is a new participant in the healthcare system of the Belgorod region. It is a high-tech medical center with a capacity of 8000 operations per year. The project is unique in its format and equipment. Continuous support of the patient throughout the treatment ensures successful recovery and prevention of negative factors.

To provide specialized planned and emergency medical care to patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, two X-ray operating rooms with round-the-clock operation are equipped here. Their equipment includes an angiograph, with which you can perform coronary angiography.

High-tech specialized assistance has become available to residents of the north-eastern part of the Belgorod region. You no longer need to go to the regional center or a neighboring region to perform the necessary operation. The specialists of the clinic work in close contact with the Belgorod cardiocenter, which means they can not only get the necessary information, but also give advice in real time, provide remote medical care in emergency cases.

In the Heart Clinic, patients receive medical care under a compulsory medical insurance policy, as well as on a contractual basis.

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Project name: "Creation of an interactive educational complex for children "Masterslavl"

Location: Belgorod region, Belgorod

Industry of implementation: culture and recreation

Implementation Date: 2017-2066

Form of implementation: Corporate form of cooperation

Public Partner: Belgorod City Administration

Private partner: JSC "Masterslavl-Belgorod"

Investment amount: 290 million rubles

The effect of the creation: "Masterslavl– is the only interactive educational project in the Chernozem region for children from 5 to 14 years old inclusive, where children find their vocation. Masterslavl is a real city in miniature with its own infrastructure and laws, where children perform "adult functions" and become masters in a particular industry through playing in an atmosphere of kindness and joy. To date, there are forty workshops in the city.

In Masterslavl, you can work as a builder, a bank employee, a firefighter, a dentist, a policeman, a postman, a painter, get a "salary" and spend it.

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