Investor's cabinet
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Razvitie Corporation JSC

Razvitie Corporation JSC is a regional development institute with 100% participation of state capital.
The Company was established in January 2011 on the basis of an order of the Government of the Belgorod region in order to create optimal conditions for the implementation of investment projects.

Key functions of the Corporation:
  • Support of investment projects in the "One window" mode.
  • Promotion of investment opportunities and projects in the region. 
  • Methodological and informational support of subjects of investment activity. 
  • Support for the functioning and promotion of the investment portal of the Belgorod region.
  • Organization and support of innovation activities in the Belgorod region.
Распоряжение Правительства Белгородской области № 627 - от 06.12.2021 "О специализированной организации по привлечению инвестиций и работе с инвесторами на территории Белгородской области"


Since 19.05.2020 JSC "Corporation "Development" is a member of the National Association of Investment and Development Agencies. On the basis of the Regulations on maintaining the register of Members of the Association, JSC "Corporation "Razvitie" is entered in the register of members of the Association under the registration number "49.31".
О внесении в Реестр членов Некоммерческой организации «Национальная Ассоциация агентств инвестиций и развития» (Ассоциация)

Information disclosure

Razvitie Corporation JSC discloses information in accordance with the "Regulations on the disclosure of information by issuers of equity securities" (approved by the Bank of Russia on March 27, 2020 N 714-P).

The obligation to disclose information arose from the Company from the moment of its state registration - 17.02.2011.

Razvitie Corporation JSC is not subject to disclosure requirements in the form of a quarterly report and statements of material facts. 

The registrar of Razvitie Corporation JSC is the Belgorod branch of Reestr-RN LLC

Структура управления Обществом
Устав Акционерного общества «Корпорация «Развитие»
Положение «О закупках товаров, работ и услуг для обеспечения нужд АО «Корпорация «Развитие»
Приказ АО "Корпорация "Развитие" № 122-од от 30.12.2021 г. «Об определении размера годового объёма закупок и заключенных договоров с СМП и утверждении перечня товаров, работ, услуг, закупки которых осуществляются у СМП» с Приложением
Сводная ведомость результатов проведения специальной оценки условий труда АО «Корпорация «Развитие»

Information on the number and total cost of contracts: 
in accordance with paragraph 19 of Article 4 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities"

Demand mechanisms

Rules for handling appeals

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