Investor's cabinet
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Support for new investment projects in the Belgorod region

The investment declaration of the Belgorod Region was approved by the Order of the Governor of the Belgorod Region No. 141-r dated March 23, 2022.
The purpose of the investment policy pursued by the Government of the Belgorod Region is to provide conditions for sustainable socio-economic development of the Belgorod region and improve the quality of life by attracting Russian and foreign investments.

The main goal of the investment development of the Belgorod region is to increase the real growth of investments in fixed assets
(with the exception of investments of infrastructure monopolies (federal projects) and budget allocations of the federal budget) as a contribution to achieving the national development goal by 70% by 2030 compared
to 2020.

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Василевский Денис Заместитель генерального директора
Василевский Денис Руководитель